Springer Counseling

Web Design
Project Overview
This site was created for a Licensed Professional Counselor (LPC) by the name of Dr. Gary Springer. It highlights his areas of expertise, his life story, and allows potential clients to contact and locate him.
My Contributions
  • Chose squarespace to create site based on Client's request to be able to edit site content on his own.
  • Designed all pages on site, including most content. Chose appropriate royalty free images for pages.
  • Added outlook calendar integration, google ads, and verified by psychology today seal to website.
Dr. Gary Springer is a LPC with over 20 years of counseling experience in Hays County. Dr. Springer was looking for someone to redesign his website as it was easily over 10 years old. To put things in perspective, the developer who created was still hosting it on her own computer! I reached out to Dr. Springer and proposed we completely redesign his website to meet modern standards.

Dr. Springer's biggest request was to be able to edit content without the need to code. He stated that, in the past, if he needed to update information on his site, he would first need to contact the developer who was hosting the site and pay a small fee to update the content. After hearing this, I researched all the modern website hosting tools that matched this criteria: easy to use for someone not versed in code, cheap hosting, and good reviews. I settled on Squarespace.

The processes involved emailing back and forth with the client to clarify what information he needed on the site, and proposing ideas for better ways to provide forms and content to his clients. In total, the site took about a month to launch because of the communication time and to ensure the site met all expectations.
Springer Counseling Website Creation
Jun 2020 — Jul 2020